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SQL Server Get Version: Everything You Need to Know :

Hello readers, welcome to our comprehensive guide on SQL Server Get Version. This topic is crucial for anyone working with SQL Server, as it helps you identify the version of SQL Server you’re using. In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about SQL Server Get Version, including how to check for the SQL Server version, different methods to determine the version number, and FAQs about SQL Server Get Version.

What is SQL Server Get Version?

SQL Server Get Version is a command used to retrieve information about the SQL Server version. It is essential for database administrators and developers who need to know which version of SQL Server they’re working with. The SQL Server version number is crucial because it determines the features and functionalities that are available to the user.

In the next section, we’ll discuss how to check for the SQL Server version using different methods.

How to Check for the SQL Server Version

Using SQL Server Management Studio

One of the easiest ways to check for the SQL Server version is through the SQL Server Management Studio. Follow these steps:

Step Action
Step 1 Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your SQL Server instance
Step 2 Right-click on the server name and select Properties
Step 3 Click on the General tab and look for the Product version or Version fields to determine the SQL Server version number

This method is straightforward and does not require any knowledge of SQL commands. However, if you prefer using SQL commands, you can use the following methods.

Using the @@VERSION Function

The @@VERSION function is a simple way to retrieve the SQL Server version number. Follow these steps:

Step SQL Command
Step 1 Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your SQL Server instance
Step 2 Open a new query window
Step 3 Type the following command and execute it: SELECT @@VERSION
Step 4 The result will show the SQL Server version number and other details

This method is easy to use, but the output may be difficult to read. In the next section, we’ll discuss another method to retrieve the SQL Server version number.

Using the SERVERPROPERTY Function

The SERVERPROPERTY function is another way to retrieve the SQL Server version number. Follow these steps:

Step SQL Command
Step 1 Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your SQL Server instance
Step 2 Open a new query window
Step 3 Type the following command and execute it: SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(‘ProductVersion’)
Step 4 The result will show the SQL Server version number and other details

This method is more precise and returns only the version number. In the next section, we’ll address some FAQs about SQL Server Get Version.

FAQs about SQL Server Get Version

What is the difference between SQL Server version and edition?

SQL Server version refers to the specific release of SQL Server, such as SQL Server 2019 or SQL Server 2017. SQL Server edition refers to the different offerings of SQL Server based on features and functionalities, such as SQL Server Enterprise Edition or SQL Server Standard Edition.

How often is SQL Server updated?

Microsoft releases new versions of SQL Server every few years, with regular updates and patches in between. It’s essential to keep your SQL Server instance updated to ensure optimal performance and security.

Can I install different versions of SQL Server on the same machine?

Yes, it is possible to install and run different versions of SQL Server on the same machine. However, it’s essential to ensure that the versions are compatible and that it doesn’t create any conflicts.

Can I downgrade my SQL Server version?

No, it’s not possible to downgrade SQL Server to a previous version without completely uninstalling and reinstalling the desired version. It’s essential to backup all your data before making any changes to your SQL Server version.

How can I find out if my SQL Server version is still supported?

You can visit Microsoft’s website for the list of supported SQL Server versions. It’s important to ensure that you’re using a supported version to ensure optimal performance and security.


In conclusion, SQL Server Get Version is a crucial command that helps identify the SQL Server version number. There are different ways to retrieve the version number, such as using SQL Server Management Studio, @@VERSION function, and SERVERPROPERTY function. It’s essential to keep your SQL Server instance updated and ensure that you’re using a supported version. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into SQL Server Get Version.

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